May 4, 2020

Good morning,

We are all doing well, but we are still in lock-down.  We were hoping to get some relief and get back to normal but we have a couple of new cases and so I don't know what Pres. Museveni will say tomorrow at his weekly national address.  There was rumor that travel would be opening at half capacity.  We have had 88 cases, 0 deaths, 58 recoveries and most of the last positive cases have been international truckers (18 cases)

Now the next problem is the flooding that has raised the level of Lake Victoria 13.12 meters.  The flooding in Kisumu, Kenya has caused the Lake to rise and 7000 people have been displaced since February. The rains that are so much there have caused problems here in Uganda and also in Tanzania.  One of the hardest places hit is Mwanza, Tanzania where I worked in 2009.  The flooding is effecting all the Islands on Lake Victoria and as far down river as Nakasongala and Lake Kyoga.  I have worked with many of the churches in these areas -- Kisumu, Busia, Jinja, Entebbe, and Nakasongola.  The people are very poor and live among the very rich resorts which have been their livelihood, COVID19 cut that. Now their houses are being destroyed. Pray for these people. And if that weren't enough; they are predicting that the next locust swarm is coming and it will be 3x bigger than the last one.  "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" Revelation 22:20

We still have 23 people living here with us.  That is Pastor Tiondi's family and the students that stayed here because they couldn't go home. This uses up resources quickly.  We were putting in the gardens and trying to develop a place for the new school rooms, but plans have changed.  Since we have not had the school open and we don't know how many students will be able to return (or when) we are focusing on the garden.  We are now working with the youth and teaching them about gardening, poultry and pigs.  They go for gardening in the morning and then after they get back they clean up and come for Bible study and prayers after that they go and do their school studies. We are in the process of building a brooder pen for the chicks.  We are working with a christian friend that works in agriculture and he is teaching us about raising broilers.  It is good for the youth for they are learning responsibility, economics, and committing themselves to the work of God. We are also teaching them about raised gardens and they will each have their box to raise what vegetables they want.  This will also involve making compost, recycling the chicken litter. Many things tied together.

Praise God we were able to get electricity to the garden building/ brooder pen.  They are bringing the line into the area and they will do the work for 400,000 UGX ($110 US).  We got an early hookup bargain because they need the money to continue the work.  When the line is finished and you want to connect the cost will be 1,400,000 UGX ($400 US)  Now we will be able to have heat lamps instead of charcoal burners for the chicks.  I don't know if it will be that much cheaper but it will be a lot safer.

It is always interesting how the Lord is working.  He is always giving us new ways to serve the people here and share the gospel.  I never really though of a farm ministry before I came here but the Lord has blessed it and opened doors to share the gospel and meet the needs of the people.  We still have the goats in Moyo village but until we can travel again we are not doing much with them except to increase the herd size which is important.  We are still working with the church in the Budri refugee camp and they are helping with the farm and garden there so that they can have food for their church members during this difficult time.

We were hoping that we could have the May conference in Masindi, but that looks like it will be postponed for another month or so.  We also have an American team that is suppose to come in October.  Pray that they will be able to come and work in Mbale, Uganda and that we will be able to join them there.

1.    We have been able to work through the COVID19 and everyone here is healthy
2.    We are able to develop the garden and the ministry for the youth there.
3.    The children are happy and doing well even though they can't go home.
4.    We have been able to continue the church in small groups at homes.
5.    We have enough food and supplies for the people that are staying here.

1.    People of Uganda that have been displaced by floods (Kenya and Tanzania too)
2.    The lock-down will be over soon, everywhere.
3.    The people that have had friends and loved ones infected with the COVID19 virus
4.    Wisdom for the leader dealing with the disasters that are effecting their areas.
5.    Finances.  No work no Income.  Resources are very low.
6.    Garden ministry to supply gospel out reach, food and income.
7.    I got hit with a very nasty spyware virus on my computer and I was told that I was being watched and that they had bedroom pictures of me that they would send out if I didn't pay. I don't know what kind of a hoax this is but I have had my computer cleaned and I have a patch over the view spot.  I do not know if they will send these out but please delete quickly and be very careful of this.  I have no idea as to how they got on my computer.  Pray that all this is gone and over.

Take care and God bless. Stay safe and healthy.


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