Lugazi, Uganda 8-2021


It was good to see most of you while I was home and taking care of my mom for 6 months.  She is doing well and can get by with less help and this enabled me to return to Uganda.  I wish there was an easy way to be in 2 places at once, but I praise God for how well she is doing and that my sisters can now take care3 of her.

I had an eventful trip back.  I was late getting into JFK but I had a long lay over so that was okay except that they wanted me to sit in the lobby for 5 hours before they would let me check in.  I caught an earlier flight to Istanbul which meant I had to wait the same amount of time for my flight to Entebbe but I could do it in the comfort of the layover area where there are shops and food and places to relax.  I arrived in Uganda at 4am Sunday morning and was home in Lugazi by 7am.  However my luggage didn't arrive until Tuesday afternoon, minus a few items.  Any how I arrived safely and the Covid clearance was quick and easy since I had all the proper paperwork.

We are still in partial lock down.  The buses and other transports are running at half capacity and masks must be worn.  There is a curfew from 7pm to 6am but that doesn't effect us much unless we are traveling which I am not.  The school and churches are still closed so we are home schooling the children that are still here.  The church is meeting in small groups at different times so that we can meet the needs of our members.  I have been catching up on paperwork and getting ready for the conferences that we have planned for when the lock down is lifted.  I am also leading an evening Bible study in the book of Romans and a Sunday study in the book of 1 Thessalonians.

Since the school was not able to open we went into a second phase of  building.  We were going to rent a place for the nursery classes, but now we are building and hope to have the classes done by the time they open the schools.  This will put the school on one piece of property and we will not have to rent anything.

Before things can open up fully we are waiting for the vaccine.  They want all the teachers and staff vaccinated.  Uganda is low on the list to get vaccine and so we have some research labs and they are trying to develop their own.  We will see how that goes.

Pastor Tiondi went to Moyo for a couple of weeks and had had a challenge there.  On the trip there her had his phone, charger and over $100 stolen.  He just called this morning and he has been in an accident with the motorcycle.  His legs are skinned up and he may have broken some bones in his hand.  We will know more when we get the doctor's report.  Please pray for him.

That's life in Africa for now.  The Lord is moving and there are trials but as we know trials lead to endurance, and endurance leads to building character, and character leads to hope. We have our hope in God and we will be sharing it with the people of Uganda.  

God bless you all!


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