December 23,2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It is hard to believe that Christmas is just 3 days away.  It comes so quietly here.  No Santa Claus or Christmas trees, no wrapping presents or mad last-minute shopping.  The weather is bright and sunny with an occasional thunderstorm, but they pass quickly and the sun is shining again like nothing happened. Not your typical winter wonderland.

It has been a strange year with many twists and turns and challenges.  My mother passed away last December so the first part of the year I was dealing with all the paperwork of getting her estate settled and trying to get my work visa so I could return to work in Uganda.  As always God’s timing is perfect and I received my Entry Permit just after the Estate closed and the last of my Unemployment check was received.  So I am now back in Uganda working with Victory Faith Foundation Ministries. I have been gone for 18 months and everything is different but nothing has changed.

I came back just in time to attend Pastor Tiondi’s adopted daughter’s introduction and wedding. I have attended 2 more weddings since I have been back and too many burials.  Such is life in Africa.  One of the burials was a childhood friend of Pastor Tiondi’s, Thomas Inyo.  He had moved to the states years ago but he always kept in touch and about 10 years ago he was able to establish a Christian orphanage and school in one of the refugee camps in the west Nile area. I had the privilege of working with him a couple of times, and we still do work in the refugee camp.  He will be missed but his work is continuing.  God is good.

 We closed the school November 30th with a very successful Speech Day. It was a long day that started with the Marching Band announcing our graduates and then ended with a 5pm Lunch. The children had great skits to show what they learned this year and the graduates from nursery to primary were honored with diplomas and a special cake.   School will star again January 20th, 2025.  We are hoping to increase our enrollment and even take in more boarders.

Our Annual Conference was held in Moyo this year, which is in the north west corner Uganda about 5 miles from the South Sudan boarder.  We left early to get things set up but due to car trouble we barely made it there in time. We had to have our transmission taken apart twice.  The car never did make it.  We spent 2 nights in run down guest houses that didn’t have electricity but we were able to bath, but our clothes were in the car and we were unable to get to them so we were in the same clothes for 3 days, TIA . We had to hitch hike into Gulu in a lorry, then hire a private car to take us to Adjumani where we met Pastor Tiondi’s brother and got another car to take us to the rest of the way to Moyo.

The conference was good but not as well attended as people had promised.  It is a very depressed area and many people were not able to financially afford it. We were able to go out to some of the areas and meet with them but that was only a very quick meeting but it was enough to let them know that we are praying for them and we encouraged them in their struggles.

We haven’t been able to do as many conferences this year due to travel issues and safety.  I stayed close to home and worked more in the school and teaching bible classes.  We have gone through the book of Esther and we are now going though Genesis.  I am also preparing to teach a class at the school to the Upper Primary on Knowing God and His Attributes.  This is challenging due to the age of the children and the language barrier.  The children do well in English and this class will help them even more.

We are going to be adding the final primary class this next year.  We have a great group of teachers and all of them have said they would be back and Lord willing they will be.  We finished the new primary rooms that we had started before I left and now we are trying to finish the 4 new classrooms before we start classes next year.  Finances are always tight.  We are in a very poor area so we are trying to balance Low school fees that are affordable with meeting our needs to pay the bills.

Many children are not able to attend school because of school fees.  One little boy, Nathan, top of his class and doing very well in the Bible study and he always could say his memory verses; missed out on final exams because his mother couldn’t pay school fees. I am hoping he will return next year. There are many children like Nathan that need help in paying school fees.  If you would like to help out and sponsor a child let me know.  The fees are $35 per term for day students and $135 for boarders.  Most of our boarders come from the refugee camps that we work with.

So many children are not able to go to school.  That is why we are working so hard to build the school and allow the children an opportunity to learn and grow both academically and spiritually.  It is a great outreach ministry for we get to minister to the children and the parents as well as the neighbors of the children.  The people of Uganda are very hospitable and I have been invited into many a home to get out of the weather.  Of course, they always want to know what the muzungu is doing here and so I get to freely talk about the gospel and the ministry we have here.  It also helps me to make a friend and be able to say hello and talk to them more later and encourage them in their spiritual walk.

Well we now have all the children home from school and so there are 18 of us in the house.  Christmas will consist of morning prayer at the church from7am until 11 am.  Then we will go home and have a good lunch/dinner together.  The women usually get their hair done and the children get some new clothes.  Very simple and quiet with good fellowship for there are always visitors.

New Years is usually an overnight prayer meeting and everyone sleeping late the next day.  Again there will be a good meal with plenty a friends.  I don’t know what the New Year holds but I know I can trust God for all things and I’ll wait and see what he has planned.  We would like to do some more outreach crusades and conferences, but finances are always an issue.  Any time you could help it would be much appreciated.  Or if you would just like to come over and work with us, the door is always open.

Take care and God bless.  Thank you for all your love prayers and support.

Tammie Walker

Victory Faith Foundation Ministries, Lugazi Uganda


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