December 23,2024 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It is hard to believe that Christmas is just 3 days away. It comes so quietly here. No Santa Claus or Christmas trees, no wrapping presents or mad last-minute shopping. The weather is bright and sunny with an occasional thunderstorm, but they pass quickly and the sun is shining again like nothing happened. Not your typical winter wonderland. It has been a strange year with many twists and turns and challenges. My mother passed away last December so the first part of the year I was dealing with all the paperwork of getting her estate settled and trying to get my work visa so I could return to work in Uganda. As always God’s timing is perfect and I received my Entry Permit just after the Estate closed and the last of my Unemployment check was received. So I am now back in Uganda working with Victory Faith Foundation Ministries. I have been gone for 18 months and everything is different ...